Re: reality is a reflection

Secret Pentagon study hints at reincarnation being real after finding consciousness 'never dies'
(Daily Mail) Published: 22:18 GMT, 6 December 2024 | Updated: 22:29 GMT, 6 December 2024

A study conducted by US Army Intelligence has suggested that reincarnation is real because consciousness 'never dies.'

Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell in 1983 and declassified by the CIA in 2003.

The research has resurfaced on social media, with Chicago-based comedian Sara Holcomb summarizing the findings, saying: 'We're pretty sure reincarnation is real.'

'Consciousness is energy and it exists outside of our understanding of reality,' Holocomb said, paraphrasing page 19 of McDonnell's Army intel report. 'And energy... never dies.'

The mind-bending official Pentagon study was commissioned to better understand what its Army intel colleagues were doing sending personnel to a small institute in Charlottesville, Virginia that was working on the 'Gateway Experience.'

The then-secretive 'Gateway' project, based to McDonnell's analysis, was 'a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence... to alter consciousness.'

From there, Gateway's ambitious goal was to shift the practitioner's consciousness 'outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.'

At least according to McDonnell, the Monroe Institute's discoveries that wound up bolstering the case for reincarnation were profound.

'When consciousness returns to the Absolute [Monroe jargon for a realm outside spacetime] it brings with it all the memories it has accumulated through experience in reality,' as he distilled the Institute's finding that memories pass on from life to life via reincarnation.

The recently resurfaced US Army Intelligence report presents an abstract explanation of how consciousness is created through the brain's processing of energy in the physical world - transforming it into what Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell compares to a hologram. ... report.pdf

Re: reality is a reflection

`A.D. After Disclosure´ ... _+book.mp4

Bashar: `Let us now explore together the ramifications of these ideas. We will suggest to you now that you see many reflections in your society of the growing awareness of our existence and the growing awareness of what contact actually means to you, and how your society may change according to your desires and preferences with respect to what kind of a world you will exist in - post contact. There is now existing as a marker, as a sign, and as a symbol of this growing awareness in your reality a book: `A. D. After Disclosure´. Find it, read it. It will help as a preparatory primer to the idea of many of the things that you will need to consider in this process of transformation from a world that considered itself to be isolated to a world that knows it is in contact with others from the stars. It will give great insight. Not every single thing will happen in the way that the book may speculate, but it is a well thought out, very intelligent reasoning and reflection of your own processes, to give you much to consider about the changes that will occur within you that will shift you to parallel Earths that will be more representative of this process of change, and of the process of acceptance that you are not alone. It is in that sense rare for us to suggest these books that exist in your society, but this one is a true marker, a true reckoning, and a true realization in general of many of the things that are important for you to consider about the transformations taking place in your society, and what your society may ultimately look like, once you have accepted the idea on mass that contact is an ongoing experience and part of the natural evolution of you as a species, from what you may loosely call homo sapiens to homo galacticus. You are at the very beginnings of this this journey, but this journey has been going on for a long time in your terms of time, but you have now arrived at the tipping point. And again, we are grateful and extremely ecstatic to have chosen to interact with you, for we do nothing that does not excite us fully, and interacting with you we cannot imagine anything more exciting.
(The UFO Witness Declaration, 2012)

Re: reality is a reflection

Bashar on questions about the drones: `We will answer them all in one statement´:

“Most of the drones that you have been seeing have to do with man made devices, human made devices that are surveilling, observing and protecting against incursions from others with ill intent. Some of the drones may be extraterrestrial vehicles disguised as drones. But many of the drones, even the ones that are human made, military made that are involved in this surveillance and observation, may still be being coordinated by extraterrestrial beings in terms of the information that is being gathered by the drones that is important for preventing others of ill intent from doing actions that would be detrimental to many of the societies on your planet. So it’s a very complex and involved operation that involves not only your military, but also extraterrestrials on another level to help coordinate information that provides the protection necessary to prevent actions of ill intent from happening in your world. And that is all we will say at this time.”

Re: reality is a reflection

Question about better understanding the hive mentality (26:30)

Bashar: `You have to look at it holistically. Again, though you experience it in linear space-time as `I'm connected to this´, from the hive mind it is `I am this´. It's more like the idea of looking at yourself as a drop in the ocean. You understand that you can be a drop, but you understand that there really isn't a lot of differentiation between the drop and the rest of the water in the ocean. So, it's something that's a more all-encompassing sense, an all-encompassing perspective. It's not that you belong to the hive, it's that you as an individual are the hive. And every individual in it sees themselves as the hive. That's why the focus and the intention and the orchestration and coordination are so automatic and why they can act so synchronistically together. Because each of them sees themselves as the hive. They have an intent, they have a focus that is shared completely by every single individual aspect of the hive. As if each individual is the hive and the one, the only one, having the intent and the focus to accomplish something.´ (Step Five, 2024)

See Tom Campbell, a former NASA physicist. He was head experimentor at the Monroe Institute. He wrote the book `my Big Toe´ (Theory of Everything). He is dealing precisily with `units of consciousness. So did Leibniz (the monads). Plato came forward with the cave metaphor (we are living in an illusion, we don´t see the real world). Bohm, Pribram have been investigating the holographic aspects of everything, incl. the brain (Pribram), and Koestler came forward with the idea of the holons.

So, what has been described by Bashar is not really new thinking. It has been around for millenia. In the Pentagon study (towards the end, link below) you find a reference to Tibetian monks claiming that reality is constantly being reproduced at an incredible rate. This is also the key statement of Tom Campbell. Reality is basically virtual, pixelated, and constantly reproduced at the rate of Planck Time. Jim Elvidge was formulating text along the same lines. Both are physicists.

You are immortal because you are made of immortal elements, the units of consciousness, CUs (Leibniz: `monads´). The big issue that has been discussed over centuries (and not been solved) is the question what happens to your identity after death. Do you reincarnate or not. If so, how do you take on a new identity? This has not been clearly addressed by Bashar or Seth. Usually people think that you die and then automatically integrate all the `other´ incarnations that you are/were. But it cannot work that way. If you are/were George in this life and are then going to reincarnate as Jenny, i.e: you died as George and now continue to exist as the `larger´version of George who automatically knows about all `his´ other previous and future lives and incarnations, you still would not want to give up your familiar `I´ identity as the former George. You can say: `Now I can see that I am a much larger `I´ (a larger version of George) than I identified myself with while being incarnated as George. But you will do that with your `I´- identity. And once you have reached that level of the soul (after dying), a few moments later Jenny (i.e. your `next´ incarnation) will unavoidably arrive at the same level. And she will claim exactly the same for herself. Thus, the problem of the persisting `I´- identity has not been solved. It cannot be solved that way. And even if you could imagine such a kind of automatic integration into a larger and superior form of `I-am-ness´, what happens at the next level, the oversoul level? And so on and so forth. Who are the ones who have to give up their own identity, again and again, so that you can `prevail´?

One possible solution would be the concept of the `gestalts´. The CU´s that form gestalts, physical or otherwise, are involved in an infinite number of gestalts, each one with its own identity. And once formed, no identity is ever lost. They all just continue developing, until all of them (i.e. ANY of them) have reached their individual level as All-That-Is, the highest level. And what happened `ín between´ on that path is: gaining experience. And all of that, the accumulated sum of all individualized lives, incarnations and follow-on paths in totality is called creation.

Seth differentiates between units of consciousness (CUs) and electromagnetic energy units (EEUs). Every gestalt, i.e. ANY gestalt is a conglomerate of CUs in non-physical reality. These CUs `come together´ to form physical matter - as EEUs - in `our reality´. When they form physical matter as EEUs they operate as particles. When they operate in non-physical reality, they operate as waves, possessing wave characteristics. The CUs are the tiniest building blocks. They are `soul stuff´. They are infinitesimal small, but each one is endowed with the full creative power of All-that-is. They are transformed into EEUs once they physicalize/are physicalized. From the moment of physicalization/particle-ization on they begin producing subatomic particles (upwards). Thus, everything is made of CUs/EEUs, non-physical and in wave-form outside of our physicality (CUs), and as particles and EEUs in 3d. We all exist as interconnected wave forms outside of physical reality made up of CUs, and we exist as a conglomerate of EEUs in particle-ized form inside physical reality. After death we continue to exist as a gestalt, but we exist as a wave form. CUs form gestalts. Once a gestalt is formed (particle, atom, molecule, cell, organ, being, etc. it never ever vanishes. And it can never become less than it once was (Seth). A gestalt, once formed, never ceases to exist.

There is a kind of drawing depicting the multidimensional self (Seth). This is the best material that exists. It is quite accurate and clearly supported by the description provided by Seth in the early sessions (drawings). Imagine the drawings being multidimensional, as the soul is multidimensional (involved in the physicalization of its segments (individual lives) across multiple dimensions at the same `time´. Compare it with the drawings (obviously obtained in trance or via remote viewing, etc.) of the Pentagon study, released by the CIA. Pages 13 and 17.

Add multidimensionality to the drawings in the Seth material. You may end up with the torus structure (pages 13, 17, etc.) in the Pentagon study. ... onal-self/ ... report.pdf