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Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 17 Jan 2019, 16:31
von Nick
All the nine levels of consciousness are directly relevant to the physical reality experience. They are designed to work harmoniously together when cascading down from the higher levels to the lower levels of vibration. In working together they allow us to create the physical experience of life, however, physical reality is not solid and real onto itself, it is a projection of consciousness and, thus ‘inside’. What is ‘real’ are the unique experiences of the physical life, which then become eternally imprinted onto the raw clay material of the soul and transmitted back up to the level of the oversoul and beyond.

The oversoul on top of the nine layers of consciousness is aware of all the individual souls into which it is splitting itself vibrationally. According to Bashar, it is not more than 300 000 oversouls who are currently involved in making up the entire world population. On average, thus, it can be assumed that one oversoul is the host of at least 20 000 individualized souls currently incarnated on earth, (as oversoul beyond that also being involved in incarnations on other planets and previous or future timelines).

Should a soul decides to have a physical incarnation, it is then splitting up again into the levels of the Higher Mind, and the template level reality, where the blueprints for the physical incarnation are being laid out, further down to the collective automatic mind, where the rules of our physical reality game have been defined, such as gravity and other parameters, and where our individual agreement with the collective about the specific theme we are going to explore in this physical incarnation is anchored, finally reaching the level of the individual mind with the behavioral patterns and habits we were either born with or which we picked up along the way from our friends, teachers, family etc., all the way down in vibration to the level of the physical personality.

The physical personality level is again fragmented into the levels of the beliefs, which are on top, the emotions, which are in the middle, and the thoughts, which are on the lowest vibratory level. Beliefs, emotions and thoughts form together the physical personality – the ego structure – whose only job it is to keep you centered in physical reality and to perceive what is happenING in 3 D. The one in charge of what is going to happen is the Higher Mind (level 3), which is the level beneath the soul (level 2), where your destiny is laid out and operationalized into the respective reality blueprints on the template level reality (level 4), which is an overlap area, where the physical mind (levels 5 to 9) and the non-physical portions (levels 1 to 3) of the greater being that you are overlap.

The template level reality is the vibratory level where the physical mind is communicating with the Higher Mind through conscious thoughts and imaginations, and where the physical personality construct receives guidance from the Higher Mind in form of inspiration, dreams, impulses, etc., should it be open to absorb those impulses, which are trickling down from the higher to the lower levels. Imagination is the conduit connecting the conscious awareness of the physical mind (beliefs, emotions, thoughts) with the Higher Mind on the template level. The Higher Mind can freely navigate through many dimensions of time (past, present, future), whereas the physical mind is more flexible with regard to space. It is the Higher Mind who is in charge of defining what is GOING to happen. The Higher Mind is in charge of your destiny and the creation of specific physical reality blueprints. This happens on the template reality level. The physical mind, which can be compared to a deep-sea diver diving deep into 3D physical experience, is free to accept or reject he guidance coming from its partner in the common construction relationship, the higher mind, standing ‘on the shore’.

The physical mind, i.e. the physical personality structure with its physical ego down on the ground (deep down in murky waters) is free to shape the specific way how it wants to go about exploring the theme in life (going right, left, slowly, fast, running, hopping, walking sideways, backwards, forward, in circles, crawling on arms and legs, etc.). However, on the way for the destiny to unfold, the physical mind does not really know what is happening, this is just not its job. Its job is to keep the physical mind centered in physical reality by means of beliefs, emotions, and thoughts which lead to a specific behavioural pattern and specific actions and activities, in line with the physical laws we all agreed to abide by on the level of the collective automatic mind (to ensure, that we do not constantly have to concentrate on physical parameters such as gravity so that we are not suddenly drifting away into space). It is the job of the Higher Mind to lay out what is going to happen as it is on top of the levels steering the physical reality experience. It can see further than the physical mind and it is recommendable to use the conduit between the Higher Mind and the physical mind: conscious thoughts and imagination to meet consciously in the overlap area between physical and nonphysical levels, which is the template level reality and to be open to the guidance coming from the Higher Mind to live the life we say we really prefer.

Life unfolds within the confines of the physical parameters that we all agreed to on the level of the collective automatic mind. We can thus not teleport ourselves out of prison, or re-grow an arm which had been amputated after an accident. Those kinds of materialization may be well possible in other reality systems, which are following other rules. If you work as harmoniously as possible with your Higher Mind in co-creating your reality experience as a physical mind (by consciously raising your vibration and going up in frequency) you are then able to shift more consciously to those parallel realities that you say you prefer. You do not attract them, as they all already exist. They are all here, right now. You just don’t perceive them as your vibration signature is different and not compatible. According to Bashar you allow yourself to experience these preferred realities (where you are no longer in prison, e.g. because you have never been there) by raising the vibration of your definitions and beliefs, which then determine the vibration of your feelings, your thoughts, and finally your activities and your behaviour. You could get immediately another reality which is more in line with your preferences, provided it is in line with what you NEED (not what you want). What you need is what the consciousness of the greater being that you are (comprising al least all the nine levels for the purpose of this incarnation) determines to be best for the You, You think You know yourself to be at the moment on the way to exploring to the fullest the theme you have deliberately chosen. This is what makes you unique.

Definitions and beliefs play an overarching role in the teachings of Bashar. It looks that there are certain parallels to the way in which his information is initially generated and prepared for transmission. The information does not come from Bashar. It comes from the ship, which is stationed over Sedona, in Arizona. The ship is the physicalized version of Bashar’s higher mind. It has been grown, not built. Syntax and semantics are paramount for the ship. Hard to understand. Maybe that is also the reason why hieroglyphic symbols have been seen on the surface of the ships said to have crashed. In any way, the propulsion system of Bashars ship (long-distance) functions on the basis of different locational variables in space time, as he clearly described several times. He does not really travel. The ship vanishes at one point just to pop out in another reality somewhere else. So in any case, vibration and frequency seem to be key.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 19 Jan 2019, 17:22
von Nick
Bashar: 'The future of humanity'

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 21 Jan 2019, 14:03
von Nick
Once the soul decided to have an incarnation, the consciousness is cascading down in vibration, splitting itself up into the Higher Mind, the template level reality and the physical mind (beliefs, emotions, thoughts). These levels are complemented by the levels of the individual automatic mind (patterns and habits of which the individual is unaware), and the level of the collective automatic mind, where the rules of the game are laid out (gravity, speed of light, up and down, right and left, etc.), where we have a specific agreement with the collective regarding the theme we are going to explore in this incarnation. The level of the playing field of our physical life game is the collective automatic mind. It is the game board, where we are active as a physical 3-D player, i.e. where our individual life events unfold, in line with the rules and the theme that we have chosen. Shaped and orchestrated by the Higher Mind through the template level reality, which is the overlap area with the physical mind, where we have always the possibility of making course corrections should we wish to make them.

The specific moves we are making with our player (the physical personality structure) on the board (physical reality) are the results of the thoughts that stem from the feelings that stem from the beliefs, all the way down vibrationally from the template level reality, where our definitions and beliefs (those with which we were borne and those we have taken on in the process of socialization) are anchored to co-create the events in physical life (together with the Higher Mind). ‘All experiences in life are based upon the strongest definitions you have bought into about that reality’ (Bashar).

Physical reality is simply a reflection, a projection of consciousness in line with the vibratory level of the state of being at any given single moment. From moment to moment to moment. Shifting billions of times per second through billions of static virtual reality frames, thus creating the illusion of time and movement, and allowing ourselves to have experiences in life. This is what creation is all about, on all levels which are less than the ‘One’, which can thus experience itself as the ‘One’ through the reflections of ‘All-that-is’. We are all an eternal and indestructible aspect of ‘All-that-is’ with an ‘I’- identity which will never dissolve and which can never get annihilated.

Physical reality does not have any solidity on to itself. It is the projection background for the ‘physical’ experiences to unfold, reflecting like a mirror the vibrations of our definitions and belief systems (with the respective feelings and emotions, the thoughts and the patterns of behaviour), translated into physical events – one to one. On the way to shifting more consciously in order to thus create a reality which is more in alignment with our desires and expectations, it is important to get in touch with the beliefs and definitions which are determining our life experiences, whether we are aware of it or not. All possible realities are here and now. We just do not perceive (and ‘get’) them as long as the frequency of the definitions and beliefs with which we are operating in life are not at the same frequency level. ‘You cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of’ (Bashar).

As physical reality does not exist (on to itself), what determines what kind of reality we ‘get’ (project into ‘being out there’ with our consciousness), at a renewal rate of billions of virtual reality frames per second) is the vibratory level of the actual driver of the physical illusion game: our individual definitions and belief systems. According to Bashar the control panels on his ship are invisible to others. When asked about ancient Greek and Roman texts referring to a time when inhabitants of parts of Europe could not see the Moon, as the Moon was ‘not yet there’, he explains that these people, the Proselenes, were just not vibrating on the levels, which would have allowed them to see this planetary object. It was there, but they were not able to perceive it.

‘The period when the Earth was Moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind. Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon. Aristotle wrote that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes, had a population of Pelasgians, and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth; for this reason they were called Proselenes’. (

When creating the illusion of physical reality, all the vibratory levels involved - with the exception of the collective automatic mind and to a certain extent the individual automatic mind – are constantly collapsing to a single point of neutrality and expanding again with a new individual pattern of vibration. Again and again and again. This process of collapsing and expanding is actually what allows the consciousness to shift from virtual reality frame to virtual reality frame, billions of times per second. This is how the illusion of time and movement is created. As the vibratory patterns are changing from moment to moment to moment, on all the levels described, with every expansion we are constantly creating ourselves anew, literally becoming a totally new person in a totally new reality without any history.

Every change (from one reality projection to the next) is a total change. Thus it becomes more comprehensible why and how history is created from the present – by constantly making new connections to a variety of other parallel reality frames relevant for the new version of ourselves which we are, from moment to moment to moment, and the respective new versions of our friends and our entire social environment. Accordingly, we are never stuck. We are constantly renewing ourselves vibrationally (i.e. ‘physically'), not bound in any way by any unpleasant event, always however within the confines of the rules of the game we all agreed to abide by as laid out on the level of the collective automatic mind. The collective automatic mind with the parameters of our physical reality, and – ‘to a certain extent’ (Bashar), the individual automatic mind with the agreement regarding the theme we have chosen to explore in this incarnation, don’t collapse. They are the levels which help anchor ourselves in physical reality to ensure the impression of continuity alongside the constant process of collapsing and expanding, when forming and exhibiting new and modified vibrational patterns making up a constantly new personality

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 22 Jan 2019, 00:40
von Nick
Bashar: Healing and Letting Go With Beethoven

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 23 Jan 2019, 14:05
von Nick
So far, Bashar has not yet provided substantially more information on the energy levels involved in the process of ‘reality creation’ or on the specific interface between our reality projections and the holographic projections of the beings we are interacting with in our day-to-day life. When asked in the sessions by a questioner, his basic statement is that “you are creating your own version of me, in the same way as I am creating my version of you, so basically we are talking to each other.”

We are ‘shifting’ from one parallel reality frame to the next, billions of times per second. From a physical perspective, ‘shifting’ is the result of vanishing entirely from one frame by collapsing the vibrations of all energy levels involved in this specific projection down to a single neutral point and then expanding again into the next frame, displaying (slightly) modified vibrational patterns. Vibrationally, nothing remains from the previous ‘personality construct’ we were a moment before. With every expansion we are a completely new person, looking through the eyes of a completely new (still and static) version of us in a completely new holographic virtual reality frame and we are making new energetic connections to new versions of our friends (and ‘enemies’), peers and all the rest. The new versions of the friends and the rest are the ones which are compatible with our new level of vibration. We are literally a new person, from moment to moment to moment, bound by nothing, unless we choose to do so for whatever reason. We are creating our own reality to explore a specific physical life which helps us grow and finally rediscover who we really are from a new perspective, from a new angle of creation.

Bashar is using the terms ‘parallel lives’ and ‘parallel realities’ very often, and – to a certain extent – interchangeably. In his ‘nine levels of consciousness’ session he provided very detailed information about the ‘technical mechanism’ of how to create the illusion of reality. It is a process of self-creation, of self-renewal, from moment to moment to moment. He usually denominates this process as ‘shifting’. He refers to the infinite number of pre-existing static virtual reality frames from which we choose the specific sequence that provides us with the illusion of time and movement, as parallel realities. These frames already exist and they will forever continue to exist. This is what he calls ‘the structure of existence’. Using our vernacular we would say the matrix. Many of these frames contain versions of us which we can then choose for a moment to look through their eyes on the way to the next version - after collapsing and expanding again vibrationally. All the possible versions of us already exist, they are all available. Always. The killer versions of us as well as the saints. By our vibration – basically the frequency of our definitions and belief systems – we choose which version we ‘get’. All nine levels of consciousness are involved in the creation of a single physical life experience.

According to Bashar, the oversoul is also in charge of a multitude of other incarnations currently on Earth, complemented in addition by a considerable number of past and future lives. All life experiences are different projections, using the same structure of existence ‘at the same time’. There is only one moment in creation, in the same way as there is just one single - conscious - particle, providing the platform for the entirety of creation.

So far Bashar did not specifically elaborate on the structural relationship between one life and a parallel life, understood as a life lived by another self – another self-aware entity with an ‘I’- identity in its own right, which is not ‘ours’ - equally involved in the projection of a physical life experience, called incarnation, which is very similar, or sometimes even nearly identical to the experiences we choose to have in the creation of our own life.

According to Bashar, all current, past and future lives come with an infinite number of parallel lives, where choices are made and routes taken which are different from ours to ensure that all the different probable actions which can be taken in specific circumstances are actually taken somewhere by someone and thus manifested so that all the experiences All-that-is can have in experiencing itself, are complete. To ensure that All-that-is is all that All-that-is can actually be. Otherwise it would not be All-that-is.

All the parallel LIVES unfold on the basis of the same physical mechanism, i.e.: consciousness shifting billions of times per second through an infinite number of static virtual reality FRAMES. Actually creation comprises an infinite number of lives, manifesting an infinitely high number of virtual reality frames for the creation of their life experiences (all together amounting to an ‘infinite’ number multiplied by the incredibly high (but nevertheless limited) number of shfts across virtual reality frame over the course of every single life – obviously a nonsense calculation). Only on very rare occasions does he use the term ‘parallel oversoul’, up to the level of All-that-is, which comes consequently with an infinite number of parallel versions of itself as well (i.e.: parallel ‘All-that-is’-es), “...and up and up and up...until...until...until...” (Bashar). It is never ending, it is creation, and it is infinite. Not really comprehensible for the 3-D brain.

Thus, in order to bring ‘infinity’ into the - comparably - limited concept of the nine levels of consciousness, however complex this concept may already be on its own, it may be useful to refer to the Seth material: “The one All-that-is aware not only of its own nature of all consciousness, but also aware of its infinite selves” (Seth Speaks, Session 565). What that could mean for linking the nine levels of consciousness to infinity may be exemplified by way of an analogy, provided by Jane Roberts:

“If you imagine the official numbers 1 to 10 in a row, then there would be an infinite number of unofficial 1’s hidden in the 1 you saw, and an infinite number of spaces between the official 1 and 2. The position of the 1 on the paper would represent our sense-data world, while the invisible 1’s behind the official 1 would represent the official 1’s hidden values and infinite probabilities. (session 740). "It is as if each number represents not only the number itself, not only a unit to be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided, but also as if each number had infinite varieties of intensities that you do not perceive." (session 431)

In order for you to get access to the ‘Nine Levels of Consciousness’ session of 2011, please visit Bashar Communications (store – digital downloads, shop by session date)

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 23 Jan 2019, 14:09
von Nick
The Sacred Circuitry Meditation (Bashar):

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 31 Jan 2019, 11:50
von Nick
According to Bashar, what we perceive as ‘outer reality’ is not real. There really is nothing ‘out there’ out there. It is all a projection of our consciousness, reflecting to us our state of being in ‘physical terms’ to help us grow and rediscover who we really are from a new perspective. On the path of rediscovering who we really are, we are still exploring definitions and belief systems which do not always work out to our advantage. With a certain time-lag we get the respective feed-back from our reality projections that show us in 3-D that we are still operating on belief systems which are not conducive to our growth. Hence the unpleasant events we may encounter in our lives and the atrocities we can see on TV. Regarding the description of the physical mechanism of how to project a ‘reality out there’, Bashar is fine with the terminology used by modern scientists when describing the universe as a multiverse and the manifestation of matter as a result of energy waves which are holographically fixed by thought patterns, i.e.: the multiverse as a hologram.

The result and the purpose of our virtual reality projections (inside our consciousness) are the experiences we have when shifting across an infinitude of still and static virtual reality frames at the rate of Planck-time. Experiences matter. They are real, our reality isn’t. When shifting we are looking through the eyes of the respective version of us which is already in the frame – still and static. Has been and will be. When leaving the frame one moment later for the next one, we are leaving the previous version of us to look through the eyes of the next one, the one which comes with the next frame, equally still and static. Like the projection of the frames of a film strip in a cinema providing the illusion of time and movement when projected onto a screen. In order for us to have our experiences as fully as possible we perceive the projections of our consciousness as if we were alive on the screen, participating in the middle of the projected environment. At night and upon death we leave the cinema (for the next one).

Shifting from one frame to the next occurs at an incredible speed. The version of us which began reading this sentence is no longer the version (of us) reaching the end of the sentence. In between an incredibly high number of other frames (and other versions of us) which may be differing from the previous one just by one atom (Bashar). So when a questioner is asking a question in a Bashar session, upon finalising the formulation of the question, that questioner is no longer the version he ‘was’ at the beginning of the question. The same applies to the counterpart. There is an infinitude of ‘Bashars’ talking to us from the other side and an incredibly high number of versions are selected and actually materialised for creating the illusion of ‘him’ listening to the questioner only for reaching the point where he can ultimately begin with his answer.

The driving engine of the reality projection are our definitions and belief systems. The ones we were already borne with (Bashar), the ones we took on along the way from our social environment, the ones we use to consciously replace old ones which we discover as no longer useful. Without definitions and beliefs there is no reality projection, however unconscious and hidden the beliefs may be. The beliefs create the feelings and the feelings create the thoughts, leading to activities and behaviour. Top down from the template level reality, where the physical mind is in communication with the Higher Mind, receiving or rejecting advice from the higher levels. The vibrations of the beliefs and definitions determine the specific sequence of virtual reality frames we ‘get’, i.e. select from the infinitude of still and static frames (from the matrix) for the purpose of our specific reality projection (inside the matrix). If we changed the vibratory level of our definitions and beliefs, we would be immediately manifesting a different sequence of frames, and project a different ‘reality’, which is more in alignment with what we say we prefer. Shifting through the virtual reality frames is an automatic process, we cannot stop it.

All versions of us already exist. They are fixed in the frames together with the respective environment, the background and the versions of other players (as needed). With the vibratory level of our definitions and beliefs we are compiling a sequence of specific frames. These can be the frames with the killer versions of us (and the respective environment) or frames where we are positioned to be projected more as saints. And everything in between. By shifting we are ‘activating’ the versions, thus creating the illusion of time and movement on the way to our specific experience. The experience is what it is all about. Only the experience is real. The rest is a projection of our consciousness inside consciousness. There is nothing ‘out there’ out there.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 05 Feb 2019, 13:43
von Nick
We choose the frames with the vibrations of our belief systems and definitions. However conscious or unconscious they may be, our own belief systems and definitions are the driving engine of our ‘reality’ projection. Positive definitions such as passion, joy, love and excitement correlate with the frames required for the manifestation of joyful and exciting events. They bring us more into alignment with the higher mind which is standing on the mountain top and knows far better than the physical mind what is actually best for our development and which steps should be taken next to ensure that our growth is experienced in a meaningful way while at the same time smooth and pleasant. Everything already exists in front of us because everything in creation is ‘here’ and ‘now’. However, we cannot perceive it until we match the frequency of the reality we say we prefer with our own vibration. Positive beliefs, feelings and thoughts will bring us to a sequence of positive events. Negative beliefs, feelings and thoughts manifest a reality which serves the same objective, but in a more stressful and unpleasant way.

For the engine of our creation, every manifestation is possible within the confines of the rules of our system, i.e.: based on the parameters laid out in our collective agreements, but not everything that is possible is also probable in our life. Some reality events, e.g. winning the lottery tomorrow and next week again, are possible as everything is possible in creation, but such a manifestation may not necessarily be probable if it does not correlate with what we need. From the blueprint level of the template reality we get the circumstances and events that we need. This is not necessarily what the physical mind with its limited perspective wants. Wanting and needing may be different. What we need is defined by the theme we have chosen for this incarnation and our specific development goals. Wanting what we need would help to bring our reality experience in line with the template level reality, whereas remaining in a positive state of joy and compassion would ensure that the events necessary for certain experiences will unfold in a pleasant and comfortable way. Winning the lottery right here and now remains a possibility, but it is not necessarily likely.

Even if we rather get what we need and not so much what we want, we can learn to shift more consciously and to manifest circumstances and events in our life that we prefer. It is important to understand that ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are categories of the physical mind. They do not exist per se as everything in creation serves a certain purpose and has equal value from a functional point of view. Otherwise those aspects would not exist. There is nothing meaningless in creation. Without darkness it would not be possible to see the light and without light there is no darkness. Dark and light belong together, and they are both valid. They are both part of creation and they both exist up to the level of the One (Bashar). Darkness is part of the One. Without darkness All-that-is could not be All-that is. It would be Half-what-could-be and thus only able to experience half of creation. Therefore, in order for All-that-is to be all that it can be, darkness is a functional and equally valid part. You can see a candle light much better if it is surrounded by darkness. According to Bashar the whole of creation can by illustrated by the YinYang symbol. There is always some darkness in the light and there is always some light in the darkness to ensure the validity of the opposite – and the free choice. Up to the level of the One which equally comprises both, dark and light.

Thus, outside of our physical reality projection ‘good and bad’ has a different quality, a more holistic one. What ultimately matters are our experiences in life. To generate them we took the conscious decision to ‘incarnate on earth’, and to undergo the process of a virtual reality projection comprising pleasant and not so pleasant events and circumstances. This enables us to learn from them to the best of our abilities and to finally return with a set of unique experiences which are passed on to the level of the oversoul and beyond as unique and eternally valid. This is how creation works.

In order for us not to get constantly stuck over issues of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ it is necessary to understand the nature of the holographic reality projection and to see the bigger picture. We create the environment as well as all the people we meet in our lives and all the events. Some of them are nice and pleasant, others are not. It is up to us to choose the specific life sequences more consciously. Definitions and belief systems are key. They are the driving engine. Without them no reality projection. If we decide that our future will be bright and if we then act accordingly, life will be fun.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 05 Feb 2019, 23:59
von Nick
Based on the information provided by Bashar we can approach our life events more holistically. A comprehensive understanding of the holographic nature of physical reality allows us to relax and face our life events with an attitude of serenity. Because we understand that we are the creator, the projectionist, the actor, the hero and the counterpart, the observer, and finally - once the show is over - the evaluator. If we follow our passion a) at any given moment, b) to the best of our capabilities, and c) without insistence on the outcome, our life will unfold in an easy and pleasant way. Following all three parts of this formula will bring everything we need in life in perfect synchronistic timing. Whatever may occur in our life, it has per se no built-in meaning, it is neutral. It is up to us to assign meaning to an event. If we see it from a positive perspective, as an option for further learning and growing, we get only a positive effect out of it.

According to the holographic model, it is us creating any event or circumstance, hence there must be a positive reason. If only to show us clearly the kind of incidents we do not prefer to know beyond a shadow of a doubt what we do prefer. In understanding the formula with all the three parts and the role we are playing in our own reality cinema for the time we are ‘on earth’, we may thus assume a more relaxed – and intelligent – approach in dealing with negativity and uncomfortable events. We may still see them in our life for a while.

a) We either create something or we don’t create it. Obviously we are creating at the moment a collective reality, where atrocities, wars, and environmental degradation are still part of the overall picture. We are not necessarily directly affected, but they are experienced somewhere by someone in our collectively shared reality and we can hear and read about it in the news. If we were able to manifest a reality more in line with the value systems of Bashar and the civilization of his home planet Essassani, there would be no more rumours of wars and atrocities. We would know these things exist somewhere in the universe – as darkness is an equally valid choice on all levels - but we would no longer experience them on our planet.

b) Once created or co-created we can either choose to attract negative events into our life or not. Even if we are still creating/co-creating negative aspects in our reality, we do not have to be negatively affected by events we know from the news that they are going on somewhere in the world. They may serve a specific purpose in our life from the distance as well, e.g. by helping us to learn from them and to come to the conclusion that this is something we don’t want to attract or experience. Hollywood dramas which are from our point of view less real than what we usually think our reality is, can serve the same purpose in that all different kinds of polarities can be tested to their extremes without harming anybody or shedding blood.

c) Once attracted we can choose to be ‘victimized’ or not. Even if we have attracted a negative event in our life, e.g. someone breaking into our house, we still have the option to stay in a positive state and to get a positive effect out of it, whatever that may be. In this context Bashar is usually providing the example of a stolen car radio. While remaining in a positive state, the damaged party actually ended up with a financial overcompensation by the insurance company. According to Bashar the positive outcome of the negative event was the result of not choosing the perspective of a victim. Maintaining a sense of self-worth in the face of opposing opinions is usually a key issue for many.

d) Once victimized or in a state of deep misery, we finally have the option to understand that any events or circumstances are the result of our own projection. According to Bashar it is us who created them in the first place by scripting them into the play of our 3-D life cinema. Events and circumstances which we did ‘attract’ into our life because we created them, are there for a reason. It is up to us to find out why and to get a positive effect out of them. Thus, we should use negative events and circumstances (e.g. chronic pain, cancer, stroke, etc.) positively to investigate what we could learn from them that we would or could not have learnt otherwise. Chronic pain usually signifies resistance to the natural self. Detoxification of the body helps immediately.

e) All the above cases have in common that they reflect a rather ego-oriented approach in perceiving and interpreting reflections from ‘the outer world’ in form of events and circumstances ‘happening to us’. But there is still one additional and outstanding aspect which is usually forgotten or silently neglected. If it turns out that we co-created and attracted specific events by which we feel negatively affected, but we cannot find any positive reason for creating that event, it may be that we have agreed to play a specific constructive role under difficult circumstances to be a living example to others. With our own pleasant and balanced behaviour we are inviting others to give up their judgments and negative beliefs, even if the positive influence we may have on others becomes effective only with a certain time-lag.

So, irrespective of whether we feel as a victim because we were ‘objectively’ treated in a negative way, or because we were playing an outstanding and uplifting role in a difficult environment that was however not (yet) appropriately appreciated and honoured, we may fall into the trap of feeling ‘cheated’ by the external circumstances. The more time and effort we have invested in becoming a ‘better, more spiritual, and more enlightened’ person, the more we may perceive the negative aspects we are still confronted with as unjust, especially if it was part of our theme to show strength, integrity and dignity in a difficult situation to be a living, positive example to others. It may even take years for others to understand and fully appreciate the constructive role we were actually playing and to begin reflecting on the case from a new perspective, while we find ourselves in the ‘now’, losing our job or being kicked out of a project.

The stance ‘why did that happen to me, I thought I was more spiritual than that?’ may turn out to be a problematic one, unless we understand the bigger picture and the mechanisms of us creating and co-creating our own physical reality: "it does not happen to you, it happens through you" (Bashar). The more spiritual and ‘enlightened’ we are, the more negativity we will become aware of. But we do not have to choose or attract it. We can accept and embrace it as an equally valid choice, and then decide in favour of the light. Without darkness we would not experience the light. Both, darkness and light are equally valid aspects of creation, up to the level of the One. With a neutral balance point in between from which we can choose the direction into which we want to go. At all levels. Darkness is part of creation and it serves an important purpose. There is nothing unspiritual to negativity. It is just a different approach to spiritual growth.

“I am not condoning the actions of anyone in anyway, but you are all fundamentally eternal beings. You always exist, you always will. Everybody goes to heaven, no matter what. Hell is not a place you go to, it is a state you pass through on your way to heaven” (The One, 2008)

Should we choose to vibrate on a higher level and act accordingly by replacing negative beliefs and definitions with new ones which are in line with the needs of our true self, we will no longer experience the same amount of negativity in our environment. Wars and atrocities will finally cease to exist on our planet, i.e. the specific version of earth we live on. For the time being, however, they are still experienced in one way or another to show us more clearly what we don’t prefer. Life per se is meaningless, events have no built-in meaning. It is up to us to get a positive effect from a 'negative' event, because that is exactly the purpose for which those events were initially designed – by us. We all could decide to learn more from positive events and the need for any contrast program would become obsolete.

Everybody of us is an eternal, individuated aspect of All-that-is. In every life, in any version, in every situation, no matter what. The killer as well as the saint. We are all multidimensional beings, and we will ever be. So is the planet itself. Many versions of earth have been already destroyed or entirely devastated. Some don’t even occupy the same physical space anymore in the solar system. Others have been turned into botanical gardens. Living there is like heaven on earth. Choice is ours. How to get there is the core message of Bashar

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 06 Feb 2019, 19:00
von Nick
"From within your point of reference it is often difficult for you to perceive that all events work toward creativity, or to trust in the spontaneous creativity of your own natures. Within your system, to kill is obviously a moral crime, but to kill another in punishment only compounds the original error. Someone very well known who established a church - if you will, a civilization - once said, 'Turn the other cheek if you are attacked." The original meaning of that remark, however, should be understood. You should turn the other cheek because you realize that basically the attacker only attacks himself. Then you are free, and the reaction is a good one. If you turn the other cheek without this understanding, however, and feel resentful, or if you turn the other cheek out of a feeling of pseudomoral superiority, then the reaction is far from adequate."
Seth Speaks, Chapter 12

Having the larger perspective of the holographic model in mind it may be easier to understand Seth. Otherwise the nagging feeling might not vanish that we are making a fool of ourselves, when giving in for the purpose of avoiding conflicts.