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Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 18 Aug 2018, 19:25
von Gilla
Hallo Nick,

Danke für die interessanten Texte.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass Du die schriftliche Erlaubnis von Darryl Anka eingeholt und vorliegen hast, diese Bashar Texte hier zu veröffentlichen.

Liebe Grüße

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 18 Aug 2018, 20:32
von Nick
Gilla hat geschrieben:Hallo Nick,

Danke für die interessanten Texte.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass Du die schriftliche Erlaubnis von Darryl Anka eingeholt und vorliegen hast, diese Bashar Texte hier zu veröffentlichen.

Liebe Grüße
Hi, don't worry. those are analytical texts and summaries of some core ideas, no transcripts. Certainly covered by the fair use doctrin (US) and the 'exemptions for literary and scientific purposes-clause'. No original Bashar material has been distributed. There are a few short quotations and they are marked as such.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 18 Aug 2018, 20:48
von Gilla
Danke. Jetzt bin ich beruhigt.

Liebe Grüße

slide 1=3

Verfasst: 16 Sep 2018, 10:28
von Nick
The following slides (attachments C1.PNG to C7.PNG, please follow the link) may help clarify the issue of parallel realities and parallel life streams. They are no handouts of Bashar, rather illustrations of the concept of probable events as understood by mainstream science. Accordingly the time arrows are conventional, from the past to the present, and from the present to the future.

In the first slide you find yourself in the present in position P1 (single blue dot). As you move into the future, you see that you could end up in a linear way at F1 (red dot), or at any of the other red dots (F2 to F5) should you take different decisions of relevance in the years to come between now (P) and any point in time in the future (F). It is obvious that the options are innumerable and that towards the upper line (F-line) the slide would be filled with an infinite number of lines depicting the infinite number of choices you have to make over the coming years. So you can end up at any point on the upper line (F) after having chosen your path – by taking a variety of decisions – trough an infinite number of options opening up between now and the future. The same logic can be applied to the past (slide two) in that you started from a specific point in history (H1) and moved through an infinite number of options, just to reach a specific point in the present (P1), which could equally be any other point in the slide (P2 to P5) had you taken different decisions during the live you know to have lived so far. Actually, the number of points where you could be in the present (P-Line, blue dots) is infinite in the same way as you have an infinite number of options for the future (F-Line, red dots). Depending on what you define as variability threshold you can also assume that you had (nearly) an infinite amount of options in the history as well (H line, yellow dots in slide three). (E.g.: your life may have had developed entirely different from the very beginning, if it hadn’t rained at the time of your birth, if birds had been singing, or if the bricks of the hospital had been red instead of grey, provided those aspects had been in any way relevant). In slide three you see the infinite options for the past (H-line, yellow), the present (P-line, blue), and the future (F-line).

Acording to Bashar you are shifting from moment to moment to moment from one parallel reality to another, billions of time per second, at the rate of Planck time. With each shifting you are an entirely new person, looking through the eyes of an entirely different version of you, which is located in one of an infinite number of parallel reality frames, from which you choose those which match your current vibration, i.e. the vibration of your definitions and belief systems. In the past you did continuously shift billions of times per second from parallel reality frame to parallel reality frame (from the yellow dot to the blue dot in slide four) and you will be shifting in the future (from the blue dot to the red dot) within the blink of an eye, thus adding to the infinite or nearly infinite number of options derived from various decision points in your life. So far, this is in line with our conventional understanding of time as shown in slides one and two.

In addition to the individual shifting across an infinite number of virtual reality frames from which we manifest those we need for our specific life stream, by selecting them with the vibration of our belief systems, the collective consciousness is also shifting, even if the mechanism of that kind of shifting may be somewhat different. According to Bashar mankind is splitting up into two (and more) different versions of earth, each of which more representative of the level of vibration of the population living on either version. This is what he calls the splitting of the train tracks. There is a ‘future-oriented’ track, where people are preparing for open contact, working on overcoming their negative belief systems and doing their best to apply the ‘formula’, i.e: working on their passion to the best of their abilities and without insistence of the outcome.

People on the other track, the diverging one, pursue a conventional life and follow established or traditional values. They are interested in their career and business as usual. Accordingly you have the options to follow the collective consciousness from the present (P1) to the future either on track one (F2, left-hand) or on track two (F1, right-hand), as shown in slide 5. According to Bashar, the splitting has begun and is currently going on. As a temporary side-effect, you will see more and more atrocities, but you will not be affected by them as you are separated (and protected) by a kind of glass wall. Finally the glass wall will become more opaque and you will only be surrounded by people with a similar mentality, vibrating at a similar level. The other version of earth will still exist but separate from the one you are on. People who live on the other version will make their own experiences, but you are no longer connected to that version of earth, unless you decide so, by lowering your vibration.

This is depicted in slide six, where it is assumed that you took the decision to be on the track towards open contact (called the ‘Bashar track’), but somewhere along the line there is an outstanding and highly disturbing event, which kicks you back (vibrationally and mentally) to the ‘conventional’ track on the right side. Should the incident be so disturbing that you are literally shifting back to the conventional track (ending at a future point F1), you would have no memory of the moment, which was there before (P) and continue your life from P parallel onwards.

According to Bashar time does not really exist. Nor does space. Everything is here and now, we are just experiencing the ‘here’ and ‘now’ from an infinite number of different angles which allows us to constantly make unique and new experiences. If everything is here and now, the consequence is that the past HAS to be created from the present, not the other way around. It is just our memory which gives us the feeling that a certain history did actually happen and determine the place where we find ourselves in the present. According to Bashar we are a completely new person with every shift we are making. From moment to moment to moment. Billions of time per second. Thus if we happen to slide ‘back” to the conventional time track, e.g. as a result of a highly disturbing event which came with an excess amount of anger and the reestablishment of a multitude of negative definitions and belief systems, we have moved ‘sideways’ (slide seven), away from the ‘Bashar line’ to the conventional line. The former P parallel, is now our new P and we continue from there. We would have a new past which comes with the new version of us and the new collective consciousness of which we would be a part, based on our new consensus agreement.

We would automatically create a new history and a new memory from the present back to H1 were we began. We would not know of Bashar, nor would our colleagues or friends know that we have ever been listening to Bashar videos and attending channeling sessions in Sedona. Photos taken in Sedona would not exist anymore (from one moment to the next) and the friends and colleagues which accompanied us to the events to Sedona wouldn’t know anything either about Bashar, the videos, the events, and the issue of the splitting tracks. There would be nothing left to remind us of the experiences and the memory we had as ‘our previous version’ and it is not necessarily likely that we get anew into contact with the teachings of unconventional sources such as Bashar. Should we get into contact anew, jumping ‘back’ would become more and more difficult as the gap between the tracks is widening. Furthermore, Bashar may not even be offering Bashar channeling sessions on the conventional track, as he may not necessarily have a representation in that reality any more. He clearly stated that he cannot be found on any track which is heading straight into the opposite direction of the one towards which he is inviting us all to follow.

Quite often, Bashar emphasizes that ‘reality does not really exist’, that there is nothing ‘out there - out there’, that everything is a projection of the consciousness and is ‘inside’, that we are our ‘own multiverse’ and that it is us who is ‘creating the persons’ with whom we choose to interact. This may be even harder to swallow than the idea of the creation of the past from the present (the reversal of the time arrow), but it is fully in line with the findings and the postulates of quantum physics: the holographic nature of the universe and the multi-worlds theory (Everett, Deutsch). He explicitly recommends familiarizing ourselves with those concepts as his teachings would then be so much easier to understand.
and from the present to the future. ... 2#comments

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 16 Sep 2018, 10:31
von Nick

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 16 Sep 2018, 10:32
von Nick
ctd II

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 16 Sep 2018, 11:28
von Nick
You are a soul, living a single live (a single incarnation). At the same time you are part of your oversoul (20 000 lives currently incarnated on earth), equally able to perceive yourself as the oversoul experiencing itself (yourself) as the entity which has all the different lives at the same time (all the past and future incarnations from a linear space-time perspective). Even when experiencing yourself as oversoul you are doing that with your ‘I’- identity which never dissolves even up to the level where you experience yourself as god. You are an eternal and individuated ‘I’-aspect of ‘All-that-is’ and this individualized perspective can never be destroyed. You are just becoming more of yourself, the higher you are going.

Bashar is using the term ‘Indra’s net’ to describe a necklace where any of the other pearls are reflected in every of the other pearls of the necklace, so that each of the pearls contains the information of every other pearl (without becoming them or giving up the ‘single-pearl-identity’. The necklace itself would be the oversoul or an even higher level from which every single pearl could reflect on the necklace and any other pearl. (‘Mirror, mirror’, 2017).

The principle of a hologram, not necessarily a necklace, but an infinite grid of pearls in ancient texts (Vedas). When you put a black dot on one of the pearls (‘your’ pearl) all the other pearls do reflect the black dot immediately. And vice versa. You are an informational nodal point. At all levels. And you never give up your ‘I’-identity. Nor does any of the other individuated ‘I’ perspectives which are equally part of creation.

’YOU’ have never been any of those other people as a person, but from the oversoul perspective you can say you are all those persons. You can create that as an experience: having a life: dying, having another life: dying, having another life again: dying…because it is a perspective of how you are looking at the structure, but it is not an actual description of the actual mechanism at work. This is why 50 people can say ‘I was Cleopatra’ (Bashar’s Birthday Gift, 2017)

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 11 Nov 2018, 12:30
von Nick

sessions 631 and 654 of the Seth material provide a kind of physical explanation as to why a belief system modified in the present DOES change the past and why - resulting from those retroactive modifications of the past our future may be changing as well.

It looks that the 'physical' meachanism has to do with cell memories, i.e. events engrained in the memory of body cells, which can be affected and thus modified 'backwards' in time by means of modifying belief systems in the present. The modified cell memory in the past (changed from the present) will then link the present to alternative futures OF THE PAST which we can then choose to become part of.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 14 Jan 2019, 00:49
von Nick are the matrix, the matrix is you...

Bashar Galactic Message to Humanity

The flame that you are burns eternally, and shall never go out, no matter how bright you allow yourself to become. You exist now, and always shall, and you always have, because now is the only time, and the only place, and the only existence there is, and ever has been, and ever shall be. You are eternal, you are infinite, you are spirit, you are body, you are mind, you are heart, you are soul, you are an idea, you are an expression, you are a thought, you are a dream of the infinite creation, but that is reality and all reality is couched within your dream.

You contain it all. You are the whole expression in your own individualized way. You are the matrix. The matrix is you. You are everything. Everything comes from you. Everything gives birth to you as you reinforce the existence of everything and everyone. Not one of you in that sense, can be remove from the matrix without the collapse of the entire structure. You are integral in that way. You are essential in that way.

Because you are interconnected in this way, because everything you do has impact within the entirety of creation, you deserve to exist in this way and you deserve to be the fullest individual that you can imagine yourself to be. You deserve to manifest all the things that you can conceive of. You deserve the existence that you have been given or it would not have been granted to you. you deserve all the love that you can imagine, because love is what you are made out of. You deserve all the light that you can create in your lives because light is what you are made out of.

The only barriers that exist to the idea of all the love, and all the understanding, and all the joy, and all the communication of the information that you desire, the only barriers to this is twofold, and that is the idea of ignorance and arrogance. Allow yourself to understand, allow yourself to create, allow yourself to be who you know you are, for that gift is given to you , for that right is given to you, for it is the very fabric of your very existence. You are made of that energy, you are that energy, and all reality that you experience is not separate from you.

All of these things are to be applied in your life, these things are to be applied in the life you chose, for it is made with your choice, it is done with your choice, it is manifested with your choice, it is acted out with your choice, it is felt with your choice, it is experienced with your choice and nothing occurs without it being your choice, whether you create that to be in your conscious or unconscious mind. You are beings of choice, all that is, the infinite creation. The fabric of existence chose you, chose that you should exist. Chose you! Consciously chose you and you are, in that way, blessed. Simply because of the fact that you exist, you are blessed, for you are created out of divine material, out of divine light. You are the infinite creator, and your existence was a conscious decision, was a conscious choice.

Act in like manner, be of like mind. Respect yourself, love yourself, unconditionally, for out of unconditional love were you created, and out of unconditional love shall you create anything you desire. Know your integrity, manifest your integrity, manifest your honesty, it is your sharpest sword, the sharpest weapon you have ever had, but now it is a weapon of peace, a weapon of joy, a weapon of love and a weapon only in the sense that it will cut through all manifestations that are not what you desire.

Begin, to feel the wave of your connection, begin to feel the energy of your interlinking with all thought forms, all consciousness, all civilizations, all eyes, all ideas, all minds, all hearts, all soul. All spirit is one and you are one within that sea, within that pool. Know that you are the fabric and the essence of the galactic energy. Know that we are sustained. Know that we are supported by your endeavor, by your existence. Know that we love you because we know that you have given birth to us. We give birth back to you. We remind you, in this giving of birth, that you can be anything you desire to be, that is our gift to your birth - to be born as anyone, anytime, anywhere, anyhow you so desire, that is our gift, to remind you. Anything you choose to be sustains our existence, sustains the fabric of the galactic connection.

You are the rotating stars, you are the essence of the spiral of the galaxy of which you inhabit, of all creation that you are, that extends from you, that issues forth from you, that is projected from you, within yourself, for you are everywhere, and there is nowhere else to be but where you are now. Everything is within you, there is no outside, as you have been reminded time and again. Now, all time collapses into one. Now, all space collapses into one. Any moment you so desire you can be within the total here and now, you can live your life in that way.

There shall be much explosions of consciousness upon your world, much explosions of the connections that you have to other worlds within the galactic substance, within the galactic frame, but these connections and these recognitions all are secondary to your recognition of your connections to yourself, recognitions of the connections of yourself to the infinite, of yourself as the infinite, for you are the infinite in your own way and we treasure you and cherish you all.

Wave after wave of love, always, is pulsing. Feel the spinning of the galaxy in your heart, and in your mind, and in your soul. It is a deep and rumbling sound, a deep and thorough sound, A deep and stirring sound, allow it to bubble forth, allow it to bring forth the understanding of your self-honesty, your self-clarity, your insight and inspiration, for you are all of these as well. Now, put them into action, put them into life, you are more than just the word, you are the thing, you are the idea, you are the deed, clear and honest as a deed.

Feel in the beating in your heart that it keeps pace with the rhythm and the pulse of the spinning of all the galaxies, of the fabric of existence itself, of the universal heart of infinite creation, for you beat within that heart – you are not outside the heart of all that is. You are the blood and the life force of god itself, it is your force and your life as well, you are it, and it is you .

Out of your dreams, you are born. Out of your heart, you are alive. Out of your souls, you are light… for you are nothing else. We thank you."

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 14 Jan 2019, 14:55
von Nick
What we experience as reality is a projection of our consciousness within consciousness. Consciousness is not a part of us, located somewhere and somehow in the brain, nor is it the result of complex physiological processes in our body, reaching somehow a ‘critical threshold’ on the way to self-awareness.

We are a ‘physicalized’ fragment of our Higher Mind, the size of a fingernail (Bashar), sent out to go to sleep and dream a reality dream in a projected 3-D reality environment which we take for real as long as we are ‘in life’. We chose to have an incarnation inside the projection room of the 3-D reality cinema as the limitations of linear space-time allow us to have specific experiences when exploring our theme in life, thus discovering a new aspect of us while struggling with self-imposed tasks and challenges. On our ‘physical plane’, we are constantly shifting through an infinite number of static virtual reality frames, billions of times per second, thus creating the illusion of time, movement, and continuity, similar to the projection of a film strip to a wall or in 3-D in a cinema.

For a successful projection of what we think is ‘our incarnation’ various levels of consciousness have to work together. Starting from the level of the oversoul, which is on top and thus No. 1 in Bashar’s nomenclature, it is the individual soul or spirit, which comes second (2), then the Higher Mind (3), the template reality level (4), the collective automatic mind (5), the individual automatic mind (6), and further down the beliefs (unconscious physical mind) (7), the emotions (subconscious physical mind) (8), and finally our thoughts at the lowest level (conscious physical mind) (9). In this context it is important to understand that with regard to our physical mind, which is composed of beliefs, emotions and thoughts, it is the beliefs which are on top, followed by emotions. Thoughts (and the resulting acts and behavior) are the lowest level in the hierarchy of the physical mind. All levels are required for the successful projection of a single life incarnation and all levels are expected to work hand in hand in a concerted way.

The structure of existence, however, already exists. It never changes. What ‘changes’ is the experiences you have when living the physical life in the 3-D projection room, immersed in the illusion of time and space while shifting through an infinite number of static virtual reality frames. Every possible aspect of ‘reality’, every action, every idea, every thought, every combination of colour, every invention, every piece of music already exists. You cannot change or create it. And you never do. By using the tools and requisites offered by the pre-existing reality structure you are given the chance to experience your own action, create your own version of (pre-existing) timeless ideas, having your own version of a thought which has been already thought by an infinite number of persons, play with colours in a specific way which is uniquely yours (and thus new), make inventions anew, which have been invented over and over and over before, etc.

Thus, by the specific way you go about in experiencing the structures of existence which are already there, (have been and will be forever) you are creating experiences which are new and unique. And they are eternal. This is your specific contribution to the creation of All-that-Is, of which you are an integral part and which you are made out of. On the way down from the top level (oversoul) the soul can be compared to raw, unfashioned clay, which is then formed and burnt in 3-D (inside the matrix), endowed with a new and unique set of experiences which are ingrained and imprinted forever.

The specific experiences constitute the ‘added value’ the single incarnation on the ground is ultimately sending and communicating back to the higher levels as spirit (formed, burned, and finalized clay as opposed to the raw, unburned clay of the soul) up to the level of the oversoul and beyond to All-that-is. Our life experiences are our specific, unique and eternal contribution to creation, which can never be erased or annihilated. Nor can our I-identity.

The nine levels of consciousness: ... e=original