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About other people - how we create reality

Verfasst: 06 Jun 2019, 17:13
von Nick

UFO Witness Declaration (Bashar)

Verfasst: 09 Jun 2019, 09:13
von Nick
Please share this declaration, but don't modify or alter it in any way as it comes with a specific frequency. Disseminating this text is part of the disclosure process (Bashar, UFO Witness Declaration, 2012).


FACT: From 1982 to 1985, large triangular and boomerang-shaped UFOs were reported over the Hudson Valley by over 7,000 credible witnesses, including police and officials at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

FACT: In 1989 and 1990, large triangular and rectangular unidentified flying objects, one the size of an aircraft carrier, were reported over Belgium by over 2,000 witnesses, including police and military personnel.

FACT: In 1997, multiple sightings of a mile long boomerang-shaped UFO were reported over the state of Arizona by over 10,000 witnesses, including police, military personnel and Republican Governor Fife Symington.

We make no claims as to the nature or origin of these UFOs. However, those who have taken the time and effort to conduct serious, in-depth investigations into these reports know that these sightings are of real, physical crafts and are indisputable FACTS. Thousands of such sightings of physical crafts of unknown origin have been reported throughout the world for decades by credible witnesses, yet most who report such sightings are treated with ridicule, disbelief, scorn and even threats.

In light of the facts, we who have witnessed such unexplained crafts no longer accept this cynical mindset as realistic or credible.

Those of us who are witnesses to the UFO phenomenon know they exist for a fact. This is not an issue of speculation for such witnesses. However, we do not insist that non-witnesses must believe such objects exist, only that witnesses be treated with respect and that we deserve the same fairness and courtesy afforded to any individual or group who honestly expresses their point of view without fear of ridicule, punishment or persecution.

Recent polls clearly demonstrate that more than 50% of Americans believe that UFOs are a real phenomenon that deserves legitimate recognition and serious study by open-minded, qualified scientists, rather than being summarily dismissed as misperceptions, fantasies, hoaxes or hallucinations by cynical, unqualified debunkers. Over 36 million Americans have seen a UFO.

To put this statistic in political terms, these witnesses are also voters.

Therefore, we urge all who agree with the spirit of this declaration to send copies of this letter to their representatives, public officials, the media, the police, the military, airline officials, NASA and all candidates running for any public office to assure them that our votes will go only to those who acknowledge the UFO phenomenon as real and deserving of serious scientific investigation and who publicly endorse fairness and respect toward any witness who reports a UFO.

A.D. After Disclosure

Verfasst: 09 Jun 2019, 09:14
von Nick
Bashar was explicitly recommending the book 'A.D. - After Disclosure'. ... losure.pdf

Bashar at the Conscious Life Expo 2019

Verfasst: 13 Jun 2019, 08:19
von Nick
Books recommended by Bashar:

Home with God ... th-God.pdf

Conversations with God, Book 1 ... lume-1.pdf

Conversations with God, Book 2 ... lume-2.pdf

Conversations with God, Book 3 ... lume-3.pdf

Friendship with God ... lume-4.pdf

The Interface between Bashar and Science

"The entire universe is composed of one thing, acting differently. Your scientists are now calling this one thing the basic energy of life, manifesting as minuscule ‘super- strings’ vibrating at different speeds. The variations in these vibrations produce the variations in the physical matter that makes up all things in the universe.

“I also said that you were composed of the same thing. Now once you know this, and once you know that ‘matter’ shows up differently depending on the differing vibrations of these super- strings, all you have left to figure out in order to create the physical reality that you desire is how to make the super-strings vibrate the way you choose.

“It is the speed and pattern of the vibration of the strings that creates particular physical manifestations.”

Okay, so what makes their vibration quicken or lessen? What makes there frequency higher or lower?”

“You do.”

I do?

“Yes. All of you do. With your thoughts, your words, and your actions.

“The things you think, the things you say, and the things that you do, send out a 'vibe' from the center of your being. Thoughts are nothing more than vibrations. They can be measured, as you know. Words are vibrations of your vocal cords. Actions are your whole physical body vibrating in one way or another.

“These vibrations form particular patterns and obtain particular frequencies, and these fluctuations produce particular kinds of disturbances are nothing more than patterned and changing movements of the invisible super strings, and it is these varying vibrations that produce varying physical matter."

From 'Home with God', page 193

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 13 Jun 2019, 20:45
von Diero
Hallo Nick,
danke für den link.
Wieder ein Bashar high light. :)

liebe Grüße

Re: Bashar at the Conscious Life Expo 2019

Verfasst: 14 Jun 2019, 19:48
von Marina
Nick hat geschrieben:Bashar: The past, present, future are within you:
Von mir auch ein Dankeschön für den Link. Sehr spannend! Die Session dauert ja fast 1 1/2 Stunde und ich mache gerade mal eine Pause, weil mein Hirn von dem bisher gehörten gerade einen dicken Knoten hat. Die Implikation sind ja schon sehr heftig.


PS: Ich habe die ganze Session jetzt angehört und bin immer noch ziemlich geflasht. Ich habe zwar schon einige Bashar Sessions gelesen und gehört, aber mengenmäßig sehr viel weniger als z.B. von Elias oder Abraham. Was mir bei der Session eben wieder auffällt (wie fast jedes mal wenn ich etwas von Bashar höre) ist, dass es trotz gewisser Gemeinsamkeiten doch auch sehr große Unterschiede in den Aussagen der verschiedenen Channelmedien gibt.

Ein Beispiel, so reden Bashar oder Abraham nie etwas von Essenzen und Fokusen und deren Eigenschaften (wie Borledim, intermediate u.s.w.) . Bei Elias nimmt (bzw. nahm das in den alten Sessions) sehr viel Raum ein. Es gibt noch sehr viel mehr Unterschiede in der Beschreibung wie Realität funktioniert. Ich würde gerne verstehen, woher die Unterschiede kommen. Mir kommt es nicht vor, als wäre das einfach nur ein weiterer Aspekt von "jeder kreiert sich seine eigene Realität", der eine bastelt sich diese Eigenschaften der Realität und der andere jene. Elias ist da ja sehr klar und nach ihm sind diese Dinge sozusagen dem Sein immanent und nicht optional.

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 15 Jun 2019, 00:25
von Nick

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 15 Jun 2019, 08:24
von Nick
Awaking universe (Bashar/Darryl)

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 16 Jun 2019, 16:50
von Nick
Darryl Anka on channeling Bashar:

Re: reality is a reflection

Verfasst: 16 Jun 2019, 17:29
von Nick
Interview with Bahar (Alan Steinfeld):