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Wer oder was ist SETH aus Sicht der Michael Entität.

Verfasst: 26 Mär 2015, 14:14
von Rolf
dieses Channeling ist vom 19.02.2014 ... el-on-seth

und ... 11th-cadre

Die Michael Entität (MEntity) wurde zu Seth befragt.
As many of you know, the MICHAELs are still an actively channeled ENTITY compared to SETH, who is now only available through the books of Jane Roberts.

The Michael Entity (MEntity) was asked about his relationship to Seth. Here is the conversation, this might be interesting for Seth- and Michael students as well:

Who or what is Seth in Michael terms? I just read an early transcript where he refers to himself as ‘an energy personality essence’, which is the first time I remember the word ‘essence’ in these materials. Seth frequently uses the word ‘entity’ in a way that I think corresponds to ‘essence’ in Michael terminology, although this is not always the case. For me it is validation of both teachings when they overlap. Yet, Seth’s materials have a different focus. How do you view the overlap and distinctions between the two teachings?

“First, a teacher is often introduced before the teaching can be heard. This is a kind of seeding process that, if goes smoothly, will eventually unfold a structure that can be returned to and built upon.
Many of our students are students of Seth.

One usually comes before the other, and eventually find common ground, even if the terminology is different.

Seth and we, both, emphasize the process of choice as a primary source of the creation of one's reality. We decided to focus on this from the point of Personality as a way to access and Manifest Essence, whereas Seth decided to focus on this from how this works from the deepest core of Essence and up, through Personality.

Seth is a Scholar/Sage/Artisan Causal Entity who shares our Cadre 11 in our Energy Ring and is Entity 7.

We think one of the few ways to validate a teaching beyond the levels of Personal Truth is through the overlapping and consistency that may be a part of a teaching even as they come from different sources and in different ways.”

Do others channel Seth now? If this is a causal entity I would think this is possible.

“No. There are no valid channels of Seth at this time. The Warrior with whom Seth works will return to continue their work, but all claims to be channeling Seth are false, or misunderstood relationships with facets of that channel's Personality or Essence.

Because their material is quite "dense" and focused, the Agreements remain with the Warrior. This Warrior is helping "Seth" to prepare for their Transcendental life.”

Do you collaborate with Seth at all?

“Our Cadre cross-references our experiences and material, but our teachings remain quite distinct and unique among the entities, even as we are of the same Cadre. This is part of every Entity's evolution through the Causal Plane: to clarify and formulate that distinction as a teaching and teacher.”

und ein zweites "follow-up-channeling" ... 11th-cadre

You (the MEntity) have identified yourselves as Entity 4 of Cadre 11 in your Energy Ring, and Seth as Entity 7. My impression is that all Entities in your Cadre have formulated a teaching and you said that one way to validate a teaching is by cross-referencing it with other teachings.
If we were to ask you to identify the focus of teaching(s) and how the teachings appear in our world for each of the Entities in your Cadre, would that be simple for you to answer or would it involve extensive research for you? I’m pretty sure one of us will ask this question, and it would be nice to know how long a session to plan for.

Regarding your first question, we are unclear as to what you are asking. Are you asking if we could delineate the theme or emphasis of each entity's teaching from our cadre?

Yes. And if that would be a complex undertaking.
(Note: I really only wanted a time frame, so the following is more than expected.)

It would depend upon the depth of your interest. We will say that it would be most likely be considered a worthwhile topic by many of our students. For now, we could delineate by offering a broad, key phrase for each.

ENTITY ONE: teaching in themes of strategy regarding cultural overhaul and transformation for the benefit of a population, often through low ranks in politics;

ENTITY TWO: teaching in themes of social change through the use of insight packaged in humor;

ENTITY THREE: sporadically teaching, but not fully ready for this position, and uses variations on other Entity's teaching as practice. This Entity was known as Robert to some.

ENTITY FOUR: "Michael" a comprehensive teaching with an emphasis on self-acceptance and agape;

ENTITY FIVE: teaching in themes of off-planet relationships and preparation for contact with off-planet species;

ENTITY SIX: teaching in themes of technological progress as it can be used for global community;

ENTITY SEVEN: "Seth" teaching reality and belief dynamics as a literal force and structure for your existence and experience.

Examples of "channels" for Entity Two would be: Ellen Degeneres and Rosie O'Donnell. These are fairly well-known fragments who are in Agreement to use their unique Humor Positions for the masses to help bring forth the teachings of Two.

Not surprising. I also wondered about George Carlin.

That would be correct.
As for FIVE, examples of "channels" for the teachings of this Entity, we can see Erich von Daniken; Giorgio Tsoukalos; Michael Talbot; Neil deGrasse Tyson; Fred Alan Wolf, along with other notable personalities in Physics. Others have included Carl Sagan, Gene Roddenberry, and Ray Bradbury.

What mechanisms are used though? Do these people receive information in dreams? Or are any of them actually in contact wih off-planet species?

Their methods of channeling are no different than most who employ altered states of consciousness as a means to access creativity, problem-solving, philosophical perspectives. Any non-physical teacher, any Causal Entity, can teach through a channel if that fragment is both in Agreement as Essence to act as a channel, and regularly accessing an altered state of some sort.
Those fragments in Agreement must also have their own Agreements with students as a part of their lifetime so that the Causal Entity can actually teach.

There is a noticeable upswing in media presentations of extraterrestrials. I presume that is the influence of Entity FIVE as well.

We think so.

Re: Wer oder was ist SETH aus Sicht der Michael Entität.

Verfasst: 26 Mär 2015, 15:29
von Gilla
Hallo Rolf,

danke für den interessanten Text. Du beherrschst doch die englische Sprache. Wie wäre es mit einer Übersetzung?

Liebe Grüße